Specialised project management team

All home extensions completed by South Coast Installations are run by a specialised and highly qualified project management team. With a group of experts behind your extensions, you can trust South Coast Installations to meet or exceed your expectations.
South Coast Installations are the first port of call for any home extensions in the South West. Contact our office for more information.
Extensions - Curbridge, Botley, Chesham, Southampton, Romsey - South Coast Installations - House extension using wide glass windows

Building extension company in Botley

Extend your home in style with the help of South Coast Installations. With over two decades of industry experience, our team will provide high quality building work with exceptional customer service.

Our other building services include:

Full home consultations

South Coast Installations offer free home consultations for any customer in the South West.

Call South Coast
Installations on
01489 799 964
to book a full on-site consultation.

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